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Use the MUCUDU app to connect with others who have checked into the venue you are interested in, meet new people, chat - you can even buy them a drink.
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Strike Up a Chat
Shout your mates or someone you meet online instantly, buy a round of drinks or set up a tab using the MUCUDU app.
Shout a Drink or Start a Tab
Simple QR Redemption for Venues
Use Perks to reduce the effort and work required to set up and run campaigns. Public Perks offer a cost-effective way to promote a venue or product
We are a team that has been living and breathing all aspects of hospitality for over 15 years.
Covid-19 hit our industry extremely hard, so we came up with a way to reconnect everyone back to socialising and feel a sense of belonging to a community.
We have developed MUCUDU so you can meet up, catch up and drink up.